August 2, 2012

  • So last night I tithed 10% of my bank account. It wasn’t an astronomical amount by any means, but it was still 10% of my monetary possession right now. And if you are at all wondering what fine cause/organization I gave to, I gave to a church I pass by everyday for the past year in good ole Fairfax, Virginia. I have yet to attend service there, but I know the moment I do, great things are in store!

    Going forward, I will make a conscious effort to tithe 10% of my paycheck, which will be almost 4x more than what I tithed last night. But it will be for the better. I would only squander it on material goods anyway.

    I am becoming more aware of my surroundings and truly understanding of what it means to be appreciative. To God by the glory :)

June 22, 2012

July 11, 2011

  • “we will be better” … but are we really better?

    That felt like the longest 12 hour drive ever. It was as if I drove every highway in the US to and fro, without any concrete destination in sight, just a million and two thoughts running nakedly wild.

    I’m physically and emotionally drained. I had much to say, words that never came to fruition.

    So once again, I did what I had to do. I seriously must sound like a broken record. Its been three years, over 1095+ days but amazingly it feels as if no time has passed whatsoever — and I feel exactly as I did that July 2008. But this time, the only thing different was that as much as I wanted to, I kept my distance in every way possible. It was the “don’t look, head down, keep your knees from shaking and shut your mouth kinda-distance”. As we settled at 934, momma cornered me. She closed the door and instructed/threatened me not to speak a word. I wasn’t allowed to make small talk, to clarify or even catch up at life. Even if I did,how could i? When all eyes were glued on me. It was if my every movement was being studied like a lab rat. And it was, I could feel her eyes glaring at me, even when my back was turned. Unlike the rebel I once was,…. this time I actually made good to my word. My knees shook but I remained still like water in a jar. When every fiber of my being wanted to look up and lock eyes, my head turned the other way. I did it for him. I did it for everyone else involved. Peace-maker or not, Right or wrong, I did what I had to do. “Do what you think is right in your heart. You’ll be criticized anyway. – Eleanor Roosevelt”

    Three years have passed and I’m still making sacrifices for others; I moved back from my beloved New York City, I gave up everything I worked for in NY in an attempt to strategically profess my deep feelings. We all know how that went. I even gave 2 years to living at home with momma to help change her mind(we all know how that went too), and I stalled my “world traveling tour” to get a job to please them. One thing I did do for myself though, is move to Virginia to get away — hands down, probably one of the better decisions I’ve made.

    I still am torn in each way possible. So many questions gone unanswered, so many dreams unrealized and most importantly, so many twisted truths that have not been untangled. Sometimes I wonder if I’ve been lied to, if previous statements are just now expired facets of the memory…. or are they real as ever. Does the fire still burn brightly?

    We once assured one another we’d be better. But will we ever be better?

    I think not.

June 21, 2010

March 24, 2010

  • Today has been a great day! And nothing amazing happened to show for it. Just a day of thanks! A few hours ago, I met Anh Son’s wife for the first time and she glowed. Absolutely radiated as I handed her a mit. Simply sharing that joy melted my heart into itty bitty pieces. AND I baked an unhealthy amount of gingerbread cookies… loooots of them. Now only if I had someone to share them with… hehe

March 4, 2010

  • Clearly I should be doing 93839573257 other things besides updating this blog. ahah. Procrastination has gotten the best of me and sucked me into writing, but its probably something bigger than that. Can’t really put my finger on it.

    Let’s see. Today was a super frustrating day. Being without internet, especially when I had tons of time-sensitive stuff to tend to, has got to be the most irritating thing ever. I was on the phone with Verizon so many times that the rep was like: “so Ms. Nguyen, it has seemed like you have called a few times today.” Darn straight! hehe. Thankfully the situation has been resolved but it has definitely taught me a thing or two.

    I still haven’t gotten the “Be Still” part right. Even with me diggin into Lent day #16, I haven’t let go completely… yet. Will I ever? Perhaps its anxiety or simply just too much adrenaline in these bones. Issues man, issues. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and all your mind”. I’m getting there! I’m getting there!

    Lots going on outside of my little bubbled world and I can’t help but wonder of His majestic plan. The baby realm has definitely blown up as of late. I know of a bunch of friends of friends who had babies in the past few months. I spend time with a gazillion babies on a weekly basis. Duong, Chi Hai and Mu Hoa are all pregnant. And lastly, I have a friend in the midst of an abortion. =( I guess with all these people in my heart and thoughts, just the other night, I had a dream that I had a two year old kid. Crazy, huh? lol

    Life is good though. Deserves all my praise! To God be the glory. =)

December 29, 2009

November 18, 2009

  • apr 30 – may 03 : miami
    july 04 – july 05 : ocean city
    aug 10 – aug 14 : chicago
    sep 12 – sept 13 : va beach
    sep 17 – sep 24 : denver
    oct  06 – oct 08 : boston
    nov 21 – nov 22 : new york city
    dec 03 – dec 06 : chicago
    dec      – dec      : new york city

November 9, 2009

  • The simplest things make me soooo happy. No one to really talk to online, so hello blog! hehe. omg, I loveeee Linux! And the automated mySQL thing too! Havin such a grand time bein a technie. This is the BEST. woooohooooo.